With wineries of outstanding quality established throughout the region, a tasting tour is a must for visitors seeking to delight all five senses!
Although the Shuswap can be considered the northern tip of the Okanagan wine growing region, our climate is cooler than the southern interior regions of BC and creates exceptional products. Each vineyard enjoys a unique microclimate, producing singular flavours that only develop here.
The Shuswap’s wineries are family run businesses that produce wines so fine they compete on par with international wines. They’ve created magnificent Gewürztraminers, Merlots, Ortegas, Rieslings, Siegerrebes, to name a few, which have all won national awards.
No matter what your preference, you will find some great authentic and locally grown and produced beverages right here in the Shuswap. And the owners are happy to host you in their tasting rooms. Cheers!
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