Our widely varied habitat of rivers, lakes, and wetlands attracts over 300 bird species to the Shuswap – some 63 per cent of all species found in BC.
In the spring and fall, the shorelines are a haven for a wide variety of migratory birds. Large numbers of waterfowl and many other birds grace the skies and waterways. Watch Osprey and Blue Herons fishing. Bring your binoculars to look on as Bald Eagles feed their young. Witness the ‘walking on water’ dance of the Western Grebe.
Birding is a wonderful way to learn about our natural surroundings, too. Numerous tree species, wildflowers, and mushroom varieties flourish in the Shuswap’s temperate zone, while large and small animals thrive in the habitat. At the Salmon Arm Marine Park by the wharf, visit the award-winning Interpretive Centre operated by the Salmon Arm Bay Nature Enhancement Society, and explore boardwalks and trails through this vibrant ecosystem.
Visit the Salmon Arm Nature Bay Enhancement Society at www.sabnes.org.
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