Cross Country
There’s nothing quite like nordic in the Shuswap.
Skim our snow-covered country side on cross-country skis! The Shuswap is home to Larch Hills, one of BC’s largest nordic ski centres.
Our generous annual snow packs means we can host of the Reino Keski-Salmi Loppet that attracts skiers from across Western Canada. Larch Hills offers incredibly diverse ski opportunities with over 170 kilometres of trails, 57 kilometres of which are regularly groomed. The newly constructed ski chalet at the trail head is the perfect spot for hot chocolate and a packed lunch. If you’re visiting over the holiday, do not miss the lantern ski, a wonderful way to welcome the early days of winter solstice.
One of the special and yet relatively unknown cross country and snowshoe trail systems is located at Skmana Lake on the back road between Chase and the North Shuswap. The volunteer-run Skmana X-C Ski & Snowshoe Club grooms 18 km of trails ranging from beginner to advanced and the winter scenery is spectacular.
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